
Contact Us

  • Phone: (651) 429-9026
  • Email:
  • Mailing Address: 1851 Birch St., White Bear Lake, MN, 55110




Profile image of Bill Eaves

Bill Eaves

Senior Pastor

Office: (651) 429-9026, ext. 102

Bill Eaves was appointed as Senior Pastor in June of 2017. A native of Georgia, he graduated from the University of the South and spent a year studying at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany. It was while he was there that he answered God’s call to ministry. He attended Yale Divinity School and received a doctorate from United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities, focusing on the spiritual development of adults. He has served as a pastor in Kentucky and Minnesota, most recently completing 14 years in Anoka. Bill serves on the Board of Ordained Ministry of the Minnesota Conference and is frequently a mentor to young adults in discerning their calling. He is married to Sherry Jordon and enjoys travel, canoeing, hiking, and experimenting in the kitchen.


Profile image of Christine Ford

Christine Ford

Associate Pastor

Office: (651)429-9026, ext 103

Christine was born and raised in the Twin Cities, has a history degree from St. Kate’s, and has an MA and MDiv from United Theological Seminary. She is married to Scott, who works in memory care, and they have two children, Zachary (9) and Benji (6). She loves reading, music, art, and cooking.  She calls herself a “huge Harry Potter nerd.” She hopes to bring fresh creative perspectives to the good work the Spirit is already doing at WBLUMC, and she looks forward to meeting people where they are on life’s journey, bringing out their most authentic, spirit-filled selves. 

Christine is a member of the United Church of Christ and will be ordained in that denomination. The United Methodist Church and the UCC have mutual recognition of each other’s ministries, making this kind of appointment possible.